You Create the Energy You Become

Written by: Katharine Larson
This month is all about giving out to the universe what you wish to receive. Feeling a mid-summer slump? I know I have felt a bit sluggish lately. Sometimes it is hard to maintain a strong sense of self-motivation, especially during this pandemic. Daily affirmations can help get you motivated again and out of your summer rut. My mantra this month: You create the energy you wish to become. In order to become energized you must manifest it. The hardest part about re-energizing yourself is igniting the initial spark. Once you start, the energy becomes real and it is amazing how much energy you feel you have afterwards and going forward.
Here’s an example of how I have tried to apply this mantra. Instead of laying down when I felt like taking a nap, I repeated my mantra, got up and did a small workout. Before the workout my mind was almost made up that I was too tired. Upon finishing the workout, I felt much more energized than before and the rest of my day was filled with motivation and productivity. Creating what you wish to receive doesn’t just apply to working out. Try inventing a personal mantra to repeat to yourself this month in order to inspire you and motivate you to become your best self. It really is true that we can manifest our reality. By giving out energy to the universe, we have the potential to receive so much.