Tag: yoga motivation

Practice Mindfulness with Online Yoga Courses

Our everyday lives can get so hectic. We all have bills to pay, jobs to get to, loved ones to care for, and goals to pursue. And even the simplest things can stack up. How do you keep the kitchen clean when you are always cooking another meal? To say nothing of planning for the

The Benefits of Pigeon Pose or Kapotasana

Pigeon pose or Kapotasana has always been a favorite asana (posture) of mine and the benefits of pigeon pose of kapotasana are enormous. It has many health benefits for the mental and physical state. Focusing on the lower back and hip flexors this is a great posture to help increase mobility in the hips. This pose is

Yoga For Better Mental Health

Yoga plays an important part in my and many people’s worldwide mental health. Many practice yoga for better mental health. The act of meditation and breathing practices can affect the physical body but also the brain. In turn, the practice of yoga can help relieve things such as anxiety and depression. The effects on certain

Yoga Quotes

Mind Nourishment – Yoga Quotes

Exploring nourishing words about yoga can inspire the use of mantras, or help you stay motivated, no matter where you are at in your yoga journey. Yoga is a mind-body practice, and it is fruitful to give your mind the necessary nourishment to focus on as you move on and off the mat. Here are some