Category: Meditation

‘Is it okay to be okay?’

Wirtten by: Katrin Mersch ‘Is it okay to be okay?’ Hello! I am Katrin and I am excited to be a new teacher here at Leading Yoga. Before Coronavirus I had noticed that I should take better care of myself. As a yoga instructor, I was running around the city every day to teach my

VInyasa Krama

An Introduction to Meditative Practices

Written by: Anupam Raman It’s important to be able to find a place of internal peace and quiet especially during unpredictable and stressful times. Learning the techniques for a meditative practice are simple, however the practice itself evolves over time based on you individual needs. Here are some ideas to help you start access an

Showing up with a Beginner’s Mind

Written by: Jennifer Schidlow Beginner’s mind or “Shoshin” is the Zen Buddhist concept of releasing expectations and preconceived notions about something. The idea is to see things with an open mind just like a beginner. And, ideally, showing up with a beginners mind will help us to cultivate more awe and curiosity in our lives.Here

Keeping a Daily Meditation Practice

Written by: Lillian Cuthbert If you are like me, you have heard about the power of meditation, how it helps alleviate stress, and improve our attention span, among other things. But if you are also like me, for the longest time, you just didn’t do it. I used to say, ‘Oh, I would love to